‘’It’s the stuff that makes up you and me but it’s not shining.’’- Richard Ellis.
One of the simplest definitions of dark matter. It’s an invisible matter that fills our universe. Dark matter lured scientists to its secretes when Professor Fritz Zwicky measured the motion of a cluster of galaxies and calculated how much mass it ‘’should’’ contain, he discovered that the mass that makes this high speed is much larger than the ‘’visible’’ matter that appeared to light up the cluster, actually at least 400 times larger. It appeared as if something was missing, actually, colossal thing.
know the galaxies are formed of stars, nebulae, planets, cosmic dust and countless
of comets and moons, that’s what you see when you look at a picture of a
galaxy, you see glowing pinpoints, millions of them and you think, there’s
nothing more to it.
is more than what you see.
human bodies are like the galaxies of our vast universe, when you see a human,
you see their physical form, but you know, being a human yourself that there is
more than flesh and bones to you. You act upon what you think, your facial
expressions change depending on how you feel, you speak of what you think is
socially acceptable. But even that is a superficial look to us as humans. As it
was to assume that galaxies are only made of the stars and things that you see.
But wait, let’s not get judgmental, a change of perspective does not happen over
took years for astronomers to entertain the mere idea of dark matter and a lot
of work to try to develop ways to detect it, and yet zero dark matter particles
were directly detected. So how do you know it even exists if you can’t see it or prove it’s there?
Well, it’s simple, scientists observed the radical effect that this dark matter
exerts on the universe, it has a huge gravitational attraction that was able to
influence the speed of entire galaxies. It has to be there right?
‘’Scientists now realize
it’s not what shines in the light but what hides in the dark that holds the
true secrets of our sky’’- The Universe series.
matter particles are very rebellious, they don’t absorb light, and they don’t
emit light, however, they ‘’deflect’’ the light like all matter does. And once
new techniques were used scientist discovered that 96% of the universe
is made up of dark matter and dark energy. . It’s everywhere, it binds stars
and galaxies together, it affects their speeds, and it’s basically the skeleton
of our universe. Kind of insane right? A huge shift of perspective.
same thing goes to us on the human level, we are breathing-walking creatures, but
there’s more to us than skin and bones, there’s more to us than what an X-ray
can reveal. Your muscles, heart and lungs do not make you human. Your pain,
your emotions (unless correctly directed) don’t make you human enough either. So what does? Just like our
universe, the secret lies within.
didn’t need to look very far to find the answer, dark matter is literally
everywhere, and it connects everything you see. You don’t have to look far
either, the answer is inside you.
about it. What really made you the human that you are at this point in your
life? To most
us out there, the answer would be ‘’I am who I am today because I followed
everything I was told was expected of me.’’ You were taught to think a certain
way to meet the social standards, which are not always correct as you already
know and may not always be our true calling either. We even see ourselves in the light that others point on us whether it’s
positive or negative, and it’s mostly negative.
We desperately seek their validation that we are good enough. Then we
grow up and become miserable adults and we are the only ones who face the
consequences of every choice we thought we were ‘’forced’’ to make because it’s
the ‘’accepted’’ thing to do. Waking up every morning with a soul-ache because
we have to go to a job that we hate, a job
that its sole purpose is to pay the bills.
live your life going through the motions till you reach a point of
meaninglessness. You stop feeling anything you become indifferent towards
everything and everyone around. You function on your muscle memory. And the only
reason you’re still doing it even though it’s making you miserable is because
you believe you can’t change it, for whatever the reason, the excuse are
countless. And I’m not interested in listing them here.
lie to ourselves, a lot. We give ourselves permission to do certain things, act
a certain way, limit ourselves and think this is it because we're ''told'' so. This is as far as we can
go. Even if it doesn’t make sense, we do it anyways, and list countless of reasons why it’s Okay to put ourselves in a box. Maybe it feels good? Well good
luck if it still feels good in 10 years.
not until you realize that the power lies in you, that much like the dark
matter, the largest quantities and qualities are deep inside your heart, how
you feel about yourself, what you think about yourself determines how you
interact with others and therefore gain everything you want. You can re-shape
your reality if you change your ‘’perspective’’ of you. You don’t start by
changing everything or everyone around you because you’d be resisting the
beautifully put in holly Quran:
‘’ALLAH does not change a people’s condition unless they change what is
in their hearts’’ [13:11]
a lot easier to think that you can change if you would adopt a positive
attitude and think everything would turn around as if you’re flipping a light
switch, I wish it was that simple.
universal fact that is staring us in the face is that you unequivocally can not
gain any long-term happiness if you don’t see yourself worthy of it. You must
first seek self-validation from within.
recipe is simple;
must change your perspective of you, to change how you feel about you and
develop habits that will support this view. Those critical factors are the dark
matter that makes you a human being, its gravitational pull on your character
keeps you mentally, emotionally and to a large extend-physically composed. It
will hold you together; make you strong enough to face life. So I guess ‘’dark
matter’’ is not as gloomy as it sounds?
"It’s everywhere, it binds stars and galaxies together, it affects their speeds, and it’s basically the skeleton of our universe. Kind of insane right? A huge shift of perspective."
Speechless, Basma
Amazing scientific touches :)
It is amazing ! I like the way you've used to connect between a physical and a psychological issues. " Cosmic Perspective" ...is one of my favourite books :-) Oh! and what a surprise..the dark matter is a component of " ourselves " ! Thanks alot Basma ...(some one ??)has told me that you are crazy with astronomy :-))
I wonder who? :)
Thanks for passing by!
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