Thursday, September 29, 2011

Poem: Dear Rose.

هذه القصيدة مهداه لروح صديقتنا الطاهرة إيمان كتيلة، الله يرحمها برحمته و يجعل مثواها الجنة
الله يرحمك يا رب
      The story of the dead remains untold.
As the dark night covers us all.
Silence is broken with a wind so cold.
Caging the thoughts of our  souls.
Ripping  the memories of a scar not as old,.
You've reached your end,
drop your sword,
It is the timeless battle,
Between the mind and the soul,
It's clear to see the shatters
Of this fierce war,
We're all here standing,
Awaiting The Savior's call,
At the edge of tears,
Holding rebellious thoughts of revenge,
But, Instead we mourn,
      Dear Rose,
To your right Allah will avenge,
& the wound shall close,
And you shall live forever,
In the hearts of us all,
Only Allah knows what the heart stores,
We're always here standing,
Never forgetting,
Never forgiving,
Our only salvation is knowing,
That you are in the hands of The Creator,
For you we're always aching,
May Allah give us closure.
We love you.

لا تنسوا إيمان من دعائكم

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Poem: For The Cursed And Callous

Note: This poem as one of my previous poems: Innocence At War is also dedicated to Gaza and the people of Gaza

Dawn Of Gaza- My Photography.

Darkness is no longer frightening,
And the winter does not feel as cold.
The battle has yet began,
Yet, no need for comfort,
No need for words
We are our own Knight,
We are our own Savior,
Along the sounds of missiles,
Near the winter haze
We stand here, frigid mortals,
Through the deserted battle field we gaze
Awaiting to face the heartless devils,
Bring your all for the everlasting fight,
For the cursed and callous that you are,
The brutal monsters that you are,
We came,
Fearless as the Sun,
We fight,
For the honorable right,
 We defend,
Go on,
Though the fight have not ended
The victory tonight have been declared,
The battle is Ours,
The freedom is Ours,
The Land is Ours,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We're All Scared.

Me & My Father
When I was a kid, whenever confronted with a difficult situation I always ran to my Father feeling scared and helpless, I sat in his lap and watched him and admired him, how brave he is, how fearless he is, how he would've never ran away from anything. I would sit there not minding anything in this scary world, safe and protected in his warm arms.
To the little me, the world seemed like a frightening place, and my Father is the Knight in shining armor. And my childish brain wondered if I'll ever be brave and fearless as he is one day, will I ever be able to stand alone without him by my side every step of the way, the thought of such things agitated me and left me horrified and gave me more reasons to run away to his lap,tuck my head on his chest and sink into unconditional safety.
As I got older I started to realize the big secret every adult tries to hide, and they do it very well.
Have you ever noticed how we adults hide our fear and insecurities behind a nervous smile or shaky legs or some action of that sort, and I realized that we're all scared running around in circles trying to get a grip of this adulthood that was thrown at us, wishing we could return back the clock to build houses of sand.
And I've learned,
There is no shame in being scared;because you're not alone.